February 29, 2024 | 4 min

Increasing the visibility of women within Nederlandse Loterij

Shirley Kind
Director of Sales and Service

Two and a half years ago, Director of Sales and Service Shirley Kind joined Branded-U as a mentor during Women’s Visibility Week. One of the goals of this programme is to increase visibility for women. For Shirley, it was the starting signal to ensure that this programme would be accessible to talent within Nederlandse Loterij. Why was this an important step for her? Read all about it below.

In 2010, Shirley made a conscious decision to take up a marketing position at what was then De Staatsloterij. “I could have worked at one of the biggest telecom companies in the Netherlands, but I knew I would be one of 250 marketers. At Staatsloterij, there were 30. I was sure that I could learn more in a smaller organisation.” Her choice worked out well: within De Staatsloterij, Shirley held various marketing positions. In 2016, she was promoted to Head of Marketing. Since 2019, she has been Director of Sales and Service at Nederlandse Loterij.

In 2021, Shirley was introduced to Branded-U as a mentor during Women’s Visibility Week. “I liked how approachable people were at the meeting. You are assigned a mentor to help you develop. Branded-U also has an online programme. Finally, there are several events on topics such as diversity and inclusion. The programmes also allow you to network easily with other ambitious women. And learn, for example, how to best position yourself. What is your story? And how can you stand out? Throughout the programme, you will answer these questions and ultimately write your own story.”

“During the Branded-U program, you will have the opportunity to connect with other ambitious women in an approachable way.”

Shirley Kind
Director of Sales and Service


The Branded-U course has been part of the learning & development programme at Nederlandse Loterij for two years. “Around 35 women have now taken part, and the reactions are generally very positive. Colleagues like the focus on the visibility of women within organisations. The fact is that there are still too few women at the top. Why is that? I think women generally have more restrictive thoughts than men. Thoughts about what cannot be done instead of what can be done.” Thinking in terms of possibilities and seizing opportunities is something Shirley has learned over the past few years. And this is where Shirley sees a real opportunity for many women. “It is important to be aware of the many limiting beliefs you have”, she says.

Nor should you underestimate the value of a strong network. “You should be constantly working on your network. And preferably across all levels of the organisation. Having just that one cup of coffee at the right time with someone who can help you move your career forward can be so valuable. The worst thing that can happen is someone saying: That sounds like fun, but I don’t have the time right now.”

“I’m now at a point in my career where I can give something back to colleagues – male and female. I know you can achieve a lot through hard work. But there is always something to be said for being lucky enough to have someone to push you forward. That’s why it’s so important to keep our doors open.”

Want to explore the Learning & Development programme at Nederlandse Loterij? Get in touch with one of our recruiters via our contact page.


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